Mentoplasty - The Facelift for Your Chin

Mentoplasty - The Facelift for Your Chin

To paraphrase Woody Allen “with age comes wisdom, but I would willingly give away all my wisdom in exchange for youth”. Tell-tale signs of aging can be seen all over the body and your chin is no different.

Mentoplasty is a facelift for your chin. The procedure involves a no external incisions on your face, all the operating is performed through the mouth. The mentalis muscle is exposed via an incision made in the lining of the lip. The mentalis muscle is responsible for exposing your lower teeth when you smile and it becomes stretched with increased age. The central portion of the muscle is resected so as to shorten its length and the remaining soft tissues of the chin are elevated off the bone. A small drill hole is then created in the chin bone, which is used to suspend the point of the chin, thus returning it to a more youthful position. Dissolving sutures are used to close the incision and the operation is usually completed in less than one hour.

If your down-drawn chin is getting you down, please consult your plastic surgeon for advice. A mentoplasty may be just the thing you are looking for…